About Kayla
Welcome! My name is Kayla Hollomon! I’ve been an activity mom for 9 years with over 15 years of experience kids crafting. My mission is to bring fun, balance and learning to your busy homes with activities, tips, inspiration, and organization! I am also a content creator, entrepreneur, and avid lover of all things kid related!
I am so THANKFUL for the amazing opportunity to run a business from home and raise kind and happy human beings, but it’s also easy to lose ourselves in this enormous responsibility.
It’s not easy making sure that our lives are all planned out to prioritize what’s important to us.
That’s why I am so passionate about helping busy moms create fun and educational activities for their children AND organize ourselves to take some of the work out of running our households.
At Keep Toddlers Busy, we been providing both content and products (digital and physical) for over seven years to help keep your busy lives in one whole piece.
The memories that we make with our children now can last a lifetime. Whether you are home with the kids all day and are responsible for ALL day to day activities, maybe working those tiring days in the office and have a desire to really connect more when you’re home with the kids, or if you are working from home, i.e. juggling the kids and still trying to get other work projects done all throughout the day/night, this site will be a huge resource to your happiness! And let’s not forget about the dads, grandparents, and caregivers too. There will always be another idea on this site to make your life easier and keep your kids busy, happy, and healthy!
Remember, we don’t have to do it alone, it takes a village!
My Background..
Just so you know a little of my background, I worked as an engineer for years after graduating from Virginia Commonwealth University. Go Rams! After working for a while, I realized that I truly enjoyed interacting with people on a different level and decided to jump into the world of sales and marketing. I was good at it too! I was featured in multiple Business From Home magazines and networking articles. At that time I met my husband.
That Moment When Your World Changes..
Becoming a mom turned my whole world around. I remember being absolutely astounded at how I could possibly go on caring for a little guy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No Holidays off. I had no idea what was coming.
“That’s when I realized that providing a fun, inspiring, and positive environment for my little one would take effort, patience, time, and a whole lot of love.”
When the second little one came along, I had the ultimate crash course in learning how every child, even in the same family, can be completely different and what works for one may not work for another. Along with taking multiple courses and reading about a million books, this has significantly given me a keener insight into tips, tricks, and ideas to promote a happy and healthy family home. I look forward to sharing my ideas, experiences, projects and tips with you. Sharing is caring!

If you see anything that captures your interest, please don’t hesitate to get involved within my site. You are absolutely welcome, so feel free to share your opinions, ideas, or testimonials. I love the feedback. Email us, share our page, and remember to check back often for updates!
Visit KTB social pages as well!

Founder of Keeptoddlersbusy.com
Email- kayla@keeptoddlersbusy.com
Keep Toddlers Busy , LLC

Liz Evans
hello Kayla,
I love what you are doing with this site. I am a HUGE advocate of teaching our kids in a fun, productive way. I was you 20+ years ago.
I was a stay at home mom of two little angel girls. I was active in my church, doing ministry, play dates, and just enjoying them. I did a lot of crafts with my kids and I began reading to them when they were under 1 yr of age. They still remember those times and I agree that those memories will last a lifetime. They may even continue them with their kids someday, I’ve kept some of their favorite books to share with their kids someday. I have folder after folder of their crafts and school projects. I love your website and wish I had something like this when I was raising my kids. Enjoy these moments, they grow up so quickly. Mine babies are now 19 and 21 and on their own…tear .
congratulations on your accomplishments. you have the best job in the WORLD.
Wow, your words really warmed my heart. I really appreciate everything you said and I agree with it all. I am blessed to not have to take this time for granted and be able to put everything I have into raising healthy and happy children. Helping others do the same is such a plus. And they do grow sooo fast! I will remember your advice to enjoy the moments!
Nicole Cooper
Such a beautiful family and I love what you’re doing here on the blog! I’m so inspired. Keep up the great work!
Thanks so much Nicole! That means a lot. We are working hard over here to provide value through our passion:)
I just wanted to ask for the Ikea bins that are placed in bookshelves. How do you attach them to the shelf itself to make it hang and slide out?
Hi Ebonee! The IKEA Trofast system comes with rails to slide the bins in. You can head over to IKEA and get them for a pretty great price. They also have them on Amazon here. You can also check out some furniture ideas here. Please let me know if you have anymore questions!
Nancy Russell
Hi Kayla,
Today I discovered your blog and Insta account through Pinterest. They are both awesome!
I am a retired kindergarten teacher who is looking for opportunities to use my skills and resources.
I had been conducting a “Zoom-garten” since April with two of my granddaughters and a friend and her granddaughter. All of the girls are 4 +/-.
Last week I had “Camp Grammy” for a week while our daughter and her husband were safely away for a few days. We had so much fun and I was able to utilize the vast amount of “Kstuff” I have accumulated. There was more than enough to have a different theme every day.
Do you have a sense about what parents of young children will be looking for this school year in terms of home based learning.
I have the skills, the space, the stuff and the enthusiasm but I am also concerned that I am in a high risk category because of my 65+ age.
It would seem that a person with an interest in early education, creativity and a marketing background, could facilitate a new educational model .
Best Wishes,
Hi, Thank you so much for visiting my site. I appreciate your input and your question. I love t
he idea of a zoom-garten. We are doing virtual kindergarten as I type and I know kids would appreciate it.
Kids this year in my sons Kindergarten class are already doing the four subjects. They are focusing on reading and listening comprehension, starting to get in math basics, learning social principles, and science. (as well as adaptive skills and regulation)
I definitely have thoughts on education even though I am not a trained teacher. I think you definitely have some great ideas and should move forward with it!
Chit Jay
Very impressive site – neatly laid out, easy to navigate and great tips for young parents to have an organized, happy home for kids!
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your Comment!
I have been looking your website and its great nice cards and craft
Thanks so much!