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Baby Activities,  Toddler Activites

How To Entertain Your Child with Mess-Free Baby Art Activities


My youngest daughter recently had a little fun with some paint and I couldn’t wait to share. What’s more adorable than baby art activities?? This simple activity is easy to setup, mess-free, and easy to preserve.

But most importantly it’s just a fun little activity for your little one enjoy in a safe space while you get a few minutes to do one of the million other things we usually need to do.

Kinsley was able to experience sensory play through both touch and vision, as well a create a baby masterpiece 😁 Also important, cleanup only took a few seconds.

Take a mommy win today and give it a try!

If you want another great baby activity, check out this high contrast baby activity!

Babies are still developing their eyesight and coordination, so playing with different colors can be interesting and even mesmerizing for them. The great thing is that instead of buying expensive toys, you can easily use items around the house to achieve the effect.

According to Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. By three months, a baby starts to see color and the addition of brighter, primary colors become important for their development. Between five and eight months, a baby’s color vision is fully developed, making it the perfect time to play with color!

Take a look below of some of my daughters mess-free art baby activities using the high contrast concept.

Fun Baby Art Activities

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Supplies! I love this Norberg and Linden paint!

The Butterfly Was Her Favorite!

I hope you enjoyed this super easy activity for babies! I would love to see some of your baby art ideas below so please share!


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