Try These Diversity Activities For Kids To Help Start A Conversation About Multi-cultural Awareness with you Toddlers, Preschoolers, And Older Kids. These Anti Racism Activities For Kids Are A Must
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10 Awesome Diversity Activities For Kids To Teach Awareness


If we are being honest with ourselves, it can be difficult for any parent to start the conversation about diversity awareness and anti racism with our children. It’s super important but sometimes we need a little help. So I decided to do a post on diversity activities for kids and I hope it’s useful!

Children learn through play more than anything else at young ages!

Normally we talk about fun kids activities and a variety of parenting tips and hacks on Keep Toddlers Busy, but this is very much the conversation we want to keep having. Racism is a subject that has different meanings to different people, and it can often be difficult to figure out how to effectively communicate with young children. (Here is a great resource for advice on this subject)

Kids learn most about the world from home, so don’t make this a one time activity. For me, it is not just about not being racist, but to also help our kids to be anti-racist. Also be sure to check out my post on kid’s books on racism for some amazing literature!

Try These Diversity Activities For Kids To Help Start A Conversation About Multi-cultural Awareness with you Toddlers, Preschoolers, And Older Kids. These Anti Racism Activities  For Kids Are A Must

Diversity Activities For Kids

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1.Handprint Unity Wreath. This is a fun craft idea by Fun Handprint Art!

2. Decorate pre-made multi-cultural family cutouts and face cut outs with play dough or shapes.

3. Create diverse faces and art with Multicultural colored art supplies.

Markers, Crayons, and Pencils

Multi Ethnic Washable Paint

Multicultural Dough

4. Eeboo I Never Forget a Face Matching Game This is a really cute idea for preschoolers and older kids!

5. World Flag Matching– A great way to learn about other countries from Homeschool Creations.

Try These Diversity Activities For Kids To Help Start A Conversation About Multi-cultural Awareness with you Toddlers, Preschoolers, And Old

6. Colors of Me activity by Teaching with Haley

7. This Lakeshore Learning Multicultural Craft Project is awesome!

8. The M&M Experiment is something I have seen a few times. Check it out at Crayon Freckles.

9. People Play Dough Mats is a great craft activity by Picklebums.

10. Dream Card is a great idea. I plan to do this with the kids. You can get the how- to at Parenting Chaos.

We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Keep Toddlers Busy may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. Read more about our links in my disclosure policy.

Want More Resources? Here Is Another Great Resource on Talking To Kids About Racism ?

Many people are really feeling the times we are in right now. It can be difficult to talk with our children when we are still processing ourselves (If you need some advice, check out some great tips on how to talk to kids about racism). The great thing about kids is that they are resilient and they learn through easily. Play is a great way to teach lessons!

If you are looking for more activities after browsing through the site, I love Happy Toddler Playtime! She recently did a post on 20 Black Activity Moms and I think it’s worth a look. Spoiler alert, we are on it! She also have a great post on Anti- Racism Crafts as well.

Well that’s all I have for you today! I hope it was helpful in some way and I hope that this intense time in our nations results in understanding, peace, inclusion, and change!

Do you have any books, toys, or activities that you can recommend? If so, please do leave a comment in the comment sections below. I would absolutely love to hear from you.

Also, please take a look around my site. I have a great post on inspiring your kid to love learning and I also give away great freebies when you subscribe to my mailing list!

Try These Diversity Activities For Kids To Help Start A Conversation About Multi-cultural Awareness with you Toddlers, Preschoolers, And Older Kids. These Anti Racism Activities For Kids Are A Must



  • tikno

    The first paragraph of this post caught my attention.
    I agree that educating our children about diversity from early age is important to make a better world.

  • Mai Cannon

    Hello Kayla – With this new admin, it is pushing me to do more for our community. I’m trying to create a DEI workshop for kids between 10-18 years old. I plan to meet once a month and most likely host it at a library. I would love to pick your brain and get some ideas if possible.

    Thank you!

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