Holiday Crafts and Fun

12 Crazy Easy Do-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes


If you are like me, life can be pretty hectic sometimes. Sometimes we have a To-Do list that always seems to grow larger and larger! So for the parents out there that may need a quick and easy ideas for last minute Halloween Costumes on a budget, check out the list below!

Also check out my post on the DIY Smore’s Family Costume!

DIY Costume Ideas for Kids!

Tom Cruise Halloween costume

    80s halloween costume

straight outta compton halloween costume

    old ladys halloween costume

scuba halloween costume

–    grapes halloween costume

trolls halloween costume    

lego halloween costume

baby clark kent halloween costume


paint animal halloween costume

alvin halloween costume

     state farm halloween costume

Hope you enjoyed these ideas! Let me know what costumes you picked for your children below!


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  • roamy

    Hello Kayla
    Thanks so much for sharing these easy to do Halloween costumes.
    Although I kind of have 2 left hands when it come to creativity, these tips you give are so easy that even me can do some successfully.
    I like the balloon dress, the coca cola bottles too are great, to think that all you need is some paint to achieve something so interesting is a real boost to me as money is always an issue here.

    Really appreciate your sharing

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