How To Save Your Money With THE Best Free Mom Hack
Okay maybe getting your sanity back is a little dramatic, but this free mom hack literally saved my last two nerves on multiple occasions.
Whether you are a first time parent or experienced parent, I can pretty much guarantee you that at some point, this mommy tip would have saved you an eye roll and probably some money!
I just love finding a tip online that turns something that can be super tedious or overwhelming into something that’s a bit more simple.
My hope is that this tip does that for you. đŸ™‚

Free Mom Hacks: Marker Top Hack!
I have picked up a marker with no top for the LAST time! I saw this literally years ago somewhere on social media and I finally hit my limit of dry markers and wasted money at the hands of my kids this week lol.
This is such an easy life hack and you will be so happy you did it
Take a look at the short video below! If you can’t see the video, I just simply taped the tops of the markers together with packing tape so they wouldn’t be left and lost all over the house!
The amount of markers I have re-bought before finding the hack is ridiculous. You’re welcome!
Such a simple hack for such a common problem! Even my daughter for floored!

More Awesome Mom Hacks!
I thought I would provide some additional hacks for those of you who are loving the tips! Take a look below!!
- Jack O’Lantern Rot Prevention With Household Items via Momhacks101

2. Make your own beach play yard with a fitted sheet.

3. Attach cupcake holders to the bottom of popsicle sticks to catch the drip via momlovesbest

4. Rather than having to completely remake the bed, layer a sheet under another sheet! via Paisley and Sparrow

5. Awesome hack via The House of Food Blog!

So that’s it! That’s my awesome parent hack in a nut shell and a few other great ones.
The little things really count and it makes a difference to be able to take one more thing of the list of mommy annoyances.
My hope is that someone can use this! (and it can make your life easier too)
Please comment below and let me know what you think about this hack! Or do you have some awesome ideas to share? Please do!
Welcome to my blog! I am an activity mom of three and I have over 15 years of experience crafting, writing, designing and creating. My mission is to bring fun, balance and learning to your busy homes with activities, tips, inspiration, and organization!