10 Easy Father’s Day Crafts That Daddy Will Love
Hey there! Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy these easy father’s day crafts! Keepsakes are always a tear jerker for me. The years go by so fast, so why not help the kids to make crafts that will cement memories for the occasion. I hope you get some awesome father’s day craft ideas from this post that you can use and please take a look around the site as well. Also, remember to share if you love it!
If you want more amazing ideas, check out another recent father’s day post of mine that includes a free father’s day kids coupon book printable! You can also feel free to follow me on pinterest and check out my Pinterest father’s day board.
If you are into some backyard fun for Fathers Day, make sure to visit the homepage and check out my kids budget backyard ideas!
So a note for the guys and to my guy: Dear Fathers, we thank you for being the support, the providers, the dish washing helpers, the friends, the mechanics, the bedtime story readers, the heroes, the shoulders to cry on, the bug handlers, and sooo much more!

Easy Father’s Day Crafts!
Super Hero Craft
Hand and foot prints always make a great keepsakes! And most dads are definitely superheroes. Check this out at Glued to My Crafts
Finger Paint Father’s Day Card
A craft that is easy and a little messy is actually pretty perfect for toddlers!
Hands Down Keepsake
How cute is this one?? I love the catchy ones LOL. I will be doing this one today with my two children (shhhh :)) No website was available, only the image but the picture is enough!
Two Foot Prints Keepsake
How much better can you get than father and child footprint! I love it! Just Adorable. www.craftymorning.com
Father’s Day Interview
You can’t go wrong with the father’s day interview to get your kid’s point of view. Adorable idea and something great to look back on! smartpartyplanning.com
Cool Father’s Day Rock Craft
This one may take a little longer but it’s just so awesome!
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Daddy’s Princess Craft
I have a cute one for the little princesses out there! Dad will love this.
Popsicle Stick Card
Michael’s has absolutely great ideas for baby and toddler father’s day arts and crafts!
Printable Dad Tie
Awesome free printable you can get HERE
Chalk Photo
Pictures say a thousand words!! I love this idea. Do it live or take a photo!
I love this Father’s Day ideas. Please let me know in the comment section if you like them and please do share some of your ideas and experiences!
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Welcome to my blog! I am an activity mom of three and I have over 15 years of experience crafting, writing, designing and creating. My mission is to bring fun, balance and learning to your busy homes with activities, tips, inspiration, and organization!