An Amazing Shapes Christmas Tree Craft For Kids
This Amazing Christmas Tree Craft For Kids Will Be A Hit For The Holidays! This Activity Uses Clear Adhesive Paper And Shapes To Create A Fun And Unique Christmas Craft Experience. Awesome Christmas Crafts Are An Absolute Must This Year And This One Can Double As Christmas Decor for the Kids.
Crafts that can be hung and used for decor are always special for little kids and it makes the time spent making it even more worth while. I plan to let the kids have fun and keep it on the door throughout the holiday season.
It was super fun to see this project come together, adding the finishing touch of the the start at the end. The kids had a great time.
This particular craft took about 30 minutes to set up before the kids actually got involved, so please do allow yourself some time. I will be worth it! Once set up, and aged child can add decorations to the tree! I consider it has medium difficulty.

I hope you enjoy the craft and please leave a comment if you have any questions after checking out the setup!
If you love these idea, check out my other recent Holidays post on Christmas games for kids or fine motor Christmas craft and activities post! Also, head on over to Pinterest and follow me for daily update craft ideas!!
Christmas Tree Craft Kids Will Love
Christmas Craft Materials
The Materials were super fun for the Christmas Craft project and the outcome was so adorable! It looked so good that we decided to keep it up as our Christmas decor for the season.
- Con-Tact clear adhesive paper or clear adhesive liner ( this is what I used, bought from Walmart pickup :))
- Construction Paper. I usually buy three or four bundles at a time because they can be used for sooo many things.
3. Christmas Pom Poms, small buttons, Christmas Stickers
4. Bead Garland. Make sure that you use a light-weight garland that can be easily taped and hung
4. Scissors
5. Scotch Tape
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Sticky Tree Setup
Prepping the Contact Paper
1. I started out by taping my sheets of contact paper to the door (or the wall). At this point i just wanted to get a good idea of how I would cut the paper.
2. Using the size I had, I decide to cut the rectangular pieces into diagonals, and then tape the opposite piece together to make a tree. Drawing a preliminary outline was helpful for me because I almost cut the wrong diagonal when I took the sheets down!
3. I used a long, straight edge to draw a diagonal across the contact paper (i used a long picture frame) and I proceeded to cut it.
4. Next I taped the contact paper back on the door in the shape of a Christmas tree, making sure the the clear sheet is flat on the door and the peel off sheet is facing me. That way, when ready, I can peel off the paper to leave a sticky surface for playing.
- I decided to use beads to add a little pizazz so we could keep the shape tree up for a while! I literally used good old scotch tape to hang the beads on the door. Once you peel the contact paper, the beads will also lightly stick to that surface.
1. I love this part. Gather all the decoration materials! I love to use the tray and this time it worked out great because the kids were able to share the supplies as they decorated the sticky Christmas tree.
2. Cut out strips and shapes of construction paper in the color of your choosing! Paper sticks the best to the material and was actually one of the funnest parts of the activity.
3. Next add the pom poms, buttons, stickers and whatever else you like to the tray so the kids can get to it easily.
6. Finally, let the kids have at it! Just make sure you help push the pom poms on harder, because they do pop off over time if they are not pressed on well.
7. Take pics and head over to my Instagram page to share! I would love to see it.
Take a look at the pictures below to see what we did and how it turned out!
But before you do, check out another holiday craft on my Instagram page and be sure to follow!

For another fun Christmas tree craft for kids, check out this video!
I hope you and the kids will enjoy this Christmas tree craft post for kids! I hope it brings joy to your family during this time, even if it’s just your immediate family this year.
Please comment below and let me know any additional activities , crafts, or games that you have planned for the family over the season.
Also check out my posts on a great Christmas shape tree for more fun ideas!
Also, remember to sign up for your FREE weekly activities planner on the top or the right side of the page and check out my printables page.

Welcome to my blog! I am an activity mom of three and I have over 15 years of experience crafting, writing, designing and creating. My mission is to bring fun, balance and learning to your busy homes with activities, tips, inspiration, and organization!

One Comment
easy learning
Kids’ crafts are a wonderful way for children to express their creativity while having fun.