Easy Easter Crafts For Preschoolers: Play Dough Eggs
Okay so Easter is in March this year and we are here for the festivities! I’m so excited to share this easy Easter Crafts For Preschoolers. Your kids will absolutely love and you will too because it’s pretty easy to do.
I mean seriously, give me the name of ONE child who doesn’t love play dough and you will color me shocked.
There is something about squishy dough that just mesmerizes a child over an over again. As long as you prepare for a little mess ahead of time, activities using dough can be fun and simple. There are so many possibilities.
Sometimes the simplest things can turn into the absolute best activities!

If you love play dough activity ideas, check out my recent post on plady dough learning activities and also my summer crafts post! Also, head on over to Pinterest and or Instagram and follow me for daily update craft ideas!
Easy Easter Craft Kids Will Love
Let’s get too it! The supplies are super simple and you may have most of them already at home. I truly believe that it’s important to not only to have fun things for kids to do we we can have some time to sit and rest, but I also believe that it shouldn’t cost us a lot of money to do it. As you will see below, I frequent the Dollar Tree and reuse as much as I can. Take a look!
I also included a bonus egg activity at the end of this post so check it out when you’re done!
Easter Activity Supplies
1.Play dough, Real Play-Doh, Fake Dough, Cookie dough, Homemade Dough. Whatever kind of dough you want, just use it!! I went with bright colors for Easter.
2. Egg Cookie Cutters and a play dough roller
3. Beads for Decorating! Or you can use literally anything you want! I also used sequins and pipe cleaners this time.
4. Parchment Paper
5. Craft Tray
Bonus Activity
- Washable Paint
- Pom poms
- Clothespins
- Construction paper
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Roll, Cut, Decorate!
I’ll just let the pictures do the talking here. But before I do, just a few tips and suggestions!
1.Make sure that you have enough dough to do all of your cutting because once my kids decorated the shapes, they had no intention on messing up their masterpiece. They just wanted more dough!
2. I decided to help the kids roll out multiple colors smushed into one to create this fun look and we loved the way it came out.
3. After rolling out the dough, simply use a play dough knife to make the egg shape or use an egg shaped cookie cutter.
4. We then used the left over play dough to form one more egg.
5. The last step is to add the decorations!


Bonus: Giant Pom Pom Painting Easter Egg Craft!

I hope you enjoyed this super fun Easter craft for preschoolers! I would love to see some of your craft ideas below so please share!
Play Dough is a favorite pass time for children that has provided literally decades of fun for all ages. Through the years many parents and even toy companies have come of with numerous ways to have fun with this awesome material.
Also, remember to sign up for your FREE weekly activities planner on the top or the right side of the page and check out my printables page!

Welcome to my blog! I am an activity mom of three and I have over 15 years of experience crafting, writing, designing and creating. My mission is to bring fun, balance and learning to your busy homes with activities, tips, inspiration, and organization!

Charmaine Anne MacDonald
Lovely crafts, it makes me miss being a nursery school teacher now. We would make things just like that. It really is alot of fun.
It really is! It’s such a fun age!