preschool sensory activities
Preschooler Activities,  Sensory Learning,  Toddler Activites

Brilliant Preschool Sensory Activities: Frozen Pom Poms

One reason why I love social media is because I get to be inspired by so many great ideas everyday regarding preschool sensory activities 🙂 And my children benefit from it!

I was super excited to try this easy activity and the kids really enjoyed it, over and over again. It was low prep and low on the mess meter, which is always a great thing.  I know it’s technically Fall, but it is still hot where I am!

If you are feeling festive be sure to head on over to my post on holiday craft ideas to get even more great activities for your tot!


Pom Pom Sensory Activity

This a great kid’s project for the heat, great for learning colors, and just having some sensory fun. Enjoy! Thanks @learningwithlottie for a great idea!

Pom Pom Prep

Get some Pom Poms from the store. Put them in trays of your choice. Add water. Freeze. That’s it! 🙂

sensory activities toddlers

Pom Pom Play

It’s nice to allow your frozen pom poms to melt outside, but when this is not an option, I just throw down a blanket in their play area and let them have at it.

sensory activities for kids

My preschool aged son practices counting with the frozen cubes while my 18month old toddler is doing sensory play and reciting colors with the same cubes.

So simple yet so fun! If you want more great activities, check out my post on other pom pom arts and crafts and also my post on popsicle crafts and dot marker art!

Bonus DIY Sensory Activities

Check out more simple sensory activities for children below!

For even more fun, check out one of my fav blog mom’s post on sensory activities for toddlers and preschoolers as well! 31 days of activities.

Well I hope you enjoyed these crafts! They have certainly brought joy to my children, and I’m not just saying that 🙂 Please tell me some of your ideas below. I would absolutely LOVE to hear about them and also hear if your child enjoyed this craft! Also be sure to check out hands on as we grow’s post for more ideas!

If you are feeling extra social, take a look at the right side of your screen and click the button to follow me on Instagram! I share tips and pics daily 🙂

(And side note: I also offer my a free printable kids planner to my readers and subscribers. Check it out below)


  • Julia Kossowska

    Hi Kayla,

    This is great!

    Did the pompoms dry out and would you use the same ones again?

    I wondered about other things that could go into ice cubes – googly eyes etc.  But then I started to wonder about the health and safety aspects.

    Did your children put the ice cubes in their mouths? Was there a danger of swallowing the pompoms?

    What precautions did you take to make sure this didn’t happen?


    • Kayla

      Hi Julia!

      The pom poms do dry out and I use them over and over again. My kids are past the age of putting everything in their mouth (thank goodness) but giving them something to play with the cubes probably makes it easier. I have plans to put all types of things in these ice cubes! lol.

  • Alexander

    These look fun (and cold) enough for adults, too, to cool off a hot day. I really like that picture of your daughter holding the ladle. Such a fun age of discovery. It’s good to have these kinds of activities for siblings to do together to keep them getting along.

    Cool video – The gardening and oats look like super fun.

    Thank you

  • Cathy

    Now that’s easy. For me, the highlight of this activity is more of the ice itself actually. You see, my niece is very afraid of ice – the sight of it and the touch of it scares her. I don’t know what kind of phobia she has with ice, but she surely don’t fancy them. She’s only three. I wonder how’s her reaction would be like if I were to add poms-poms into them. Good idea to try out.

  • julienne murekatete

    Hello Keyla , i enjoyed your post on Pom poms. I have a dream to start my kindergarten and i hope my dream will come true. with pom poms kid can learn many things using senses but i have a question, what if the kid explore tasting activity,is there any effect to theirs health? If there is then some precautions must be taken. 

    Thank you, your website has inspiring content.

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