Celebrate the Season With Your Family In Style This Year
Thank you WALMART for sponsoring this post featuring the Stylish and Affordable Holiday Fashion Finds at Walmart.
It’s holiday party season and the Hollomons are ready! Well, our outfits are, anyways 🙂
Every holiday season we have a list of things we want to do, and although I know we won’t get to do it all, it’s so fun to capture a few good moments all dressed up. Walmart fashion has us covered this year and as you can see, my sweeties are looking so cute!
Below I also share some of our the photos we attempted to snap in front of tree. We tried LOL! To be honest, I love some of the candid photos. The kids had a ball 🙂
So bring on the parties, peppermint hot chocolate, holiday movies and of course the matching outfits! The kids grow so fast every single year, so I have always been a fan of updating their wardrobes and adding some fun, stylish, and affordable pieces from Walmart, especially during this season.
This year I was more excited than ever to get the chance to try Walmart’s Holiday Fashion finds that features baby’s, kid’s, and adult’s clothing.

We took full advantage of getting some of the kid’s holiday necessities and ordered online from the comfort of home. I have to tell you, we are in love with out choices! Our picks were absolutely ADORABLE on me and the kiddies folks, and the plus is that they were both stylish and great quality, but also affordable.
We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Keep Toddlers Busy may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. Read more about our links in my disclosure policy.

As you can see from the photos, the materials in the pieces are such a great long-lasting quality at a really great price. We love simple, classic holiday colors and designs paired with great quality and I’ve already got my sight set on a few additional pieces for New Year’s well.
Check out a few of our fav outfits below! Combat boots are huge this season and pair great with plaid or a sweater dress!
Are the sweater dresses not the cutest thing on my daughters?? The dress is so sparkly, soft and warm, such a perfect fit. Pair with sparkly combat boots and you’re set. My tall five-year-old is wearing a size S 6 in this photo.

The grownups’ outfits also did not disappoint! I loved the holiday plaid paired with the super soft material of the tulle skirt with a belt! The style paired with heels fit for both a casual look and a perfect look for a date or holiday party.
I can’t say enough about how pleased I was with my purchases. I’m definitely calling this yet another win for affordability yet awesome holiday style!

Click On The Hot Spots To Shop The Photo!
Please remember as you are shopping for the kids this year, that quality wardrobe choices do not always have to be expensive. Go to your neighborhood Walmart to find great choices for great prices. Please comment below and let me know if you have tried this clothing line by yet!! I would love to see some additional ideas on how you are styling your holiday outfits on the kids!
Welcome to my blog! I am an activity mom of three and I have over 15 years of experience crafting, writing, designing and creating. My mission is to bring fun, balance and learning to your busy homes with activities, tips, inspiration, and organization!