15 Educational Dollar Store Craft Ideas
If you love activity ideas, check out my recent post on dot marker activities or space shuttle craft post! Also, head on over to Pinterest and follow me for daily update craft ideas!
Okay back to crafts. I personally don’t believe that every activity has to be an expensive project from the art store. My kids have done so of the most awesome arts and crafts activities ever with supplies from the dollar store. So for parents on a budget, this is for you!
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Easy Dollar Store Craft Ideas We Love
1. Dollar Store Finger Painting
This arts and crafts activity is as simple as it sounds. For $2.00 you can get some great finger paint and finger painting paper and paint from you know where 🙂 Just visit the crafts section of the dollar store! SIDENOTE: Make sure you get some old clothes you don’t mind getting messy and either go outside or prep your surface!
2. Emotion Face Plates
Is your toddler at the stage where they have strong emotions but are not quite able to express how they feel? This stage can last years for some children. This craft idea has been very helpful to me for teaching emotions to my little ones! One pack of paper plates will be useful for numerous activities and the rest is up to you! Markers, crayons. Use whatever you like and make whatever faces you like.
3. Paper Plate Planets
You will see that I love paper plates crafts lol. I made planets for my son using crayons, markers, and paper plates and he literally played with those planets for well over a year. It was absolutely the best $2.00 I ever spent on “toys” LOL. Design them however you want and use scissors to cut out the smaller planets!
4.Alphabet States
This activity doesn’t really take any preparation at all. I know we have many days where that certainly comes in handy. This morning I just had no energy for the kids. It happens. So good thing I had my map and some letters! The map of the U.S. can be found at the dollar tree and it is a great way for your preschooler to practice letters and learn some states. I already had letters at home, but if you don’t, you can find foam alphabet letters at you-know-where as well 🙂
5. Sticker Sorting
This is a great learning tool! All you need is poster board, markers, and your choice of stickers. Get the ins and outs of this activity in my sticker sorting post! I love the sea animal stickers!
6. Alphabet Play Doh
Here’s another great one that combines one of my son’s obsessions, play doh (not joking), with alphabet learning. It’s the perfect combo and can be done in so many different ways! You can also make a play doh surface that can be taken anywhere in the house with post board, plastic wrap, and tape! (All DS of course ;)) This Play Doh Activity is still a hit for my son a year later!
7. Shape Matching Craft
Again, I love doing quick crafts using items that are already in the house. With a poster board (doesn’t have to be a new one, you can use the back of one! hint, hint) and some markers, you can use any shapes desirable to make this project. So easy, so fun! I talk in detail about this craft here!
8. More Shape Matching!
If you are willing to be a little creative, you can make great matching games out of colored structured paper. The flash card selection at the dollar store is great as well!
9.Matching Cars Craft
Okay this one is so cool and it involves matching numbers. My toddler already had cars, but they do have cars at the store as well. In this case I used an old pizza box, however, there is cardboard available to buy for $1.00 as well. So fun. Take a look at how it was done in my post below!
10. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Craft
I love the chicka chicka boom boom song 🙂 Not only is it a fun activity to involve your child in, but they can also get great practice mastering the alphabet with an activity that can be done over and over again. I did a post on this awesome activity here! Take a look!
11. Surprise Eggs
There is no need to save this just for Easter! This activity satisfies a toddler’s need to explore! All you need is plastic eggs and foam letters! Or anything of your choice. In my post I explain how this simple activity can and should be a part of your toddler’s Dollar tree activities! Take a look at the alphabet surprise eggs!
12. Learning Boards
This one is more of a “mommy craft” because you will do most of the prep, but it is so00 worth it. I can’t tell you how much my son and daughter enjoyed and learned from these boards! Check out my post on this great mommy learning craft.
Holiday Dollar Tree Crafts
It’s already July. Once we hit September the holidays just creep up! Thought I would include these for the festivities this year!
13. Shape Tree
Oh I love the holidays! This activity is a great excuse to learn during the Christmas break! Pick up some felt squares and green poster board from my favorite activity store and you are set to go! See how we did this activity here!
14. Turkey Crafts
Gobble, Gobble. Gotta have the Thanksgiving Dollar tree crafts! Check them out here!
15. S’mores Halloween Craft
This one is almost all Dollar Store (Tissue paper, card board, silver marker, silver paper, black tape) but the marshmallow and brown fabric came from Walmart. (still a reasonable price) You simply HAVE to check out my post on this AMAZING and FUN costume! S’mores Halloween Craft
If you enjoyed those ideas, take a look at a few more summer craft ideas!
Check out my posts on a great pom pom frame craft and popsicle stick crafts for more fun ideas! Hands On As We Grow also has amazing paint ideas for kids.
Also, remember to sign up for your FREE weekly activities planner on the top or the right side of the page and check out my printables page
I hope you enjoyed these crafts! They have certainly brought joy to my children! Please tell me some of you Dollar tree ideas below. I would absolutely LOVE to hear them.

Welcome to my blog! I am an activity mom of three and I have over 15 years of experience crafting, writing, designing and creating. My mission is to bring fun, balance and learning to your busy homes with activities, tips, inspiration, and organization!

What fun ideas you have on how to teach young children through budget saving crafts. I’ve always wondered what could be done with all the empty boxes/paper bags that I get from the groceries.
I particularly like the idea of Alphabet states. My hubby travel a lot and the kids are always asking – where is daddy – so I think by teaching them the maps, it would give them a better idea about daddy’s location in the future.
I like that one too! lol. It’s great to start the process of our little ones knowing where we live or at least being able to recite it. I hope your family and even extended family is able to enjoy these activities!
Sandra Santos
Hiya, you have listed some great ideas here and some that I will come back to view for sure! My daughter is two and she loves to play with play doh which I have already so all I need to buy are the alphabet cutters and thanks for the great idea of the surface which I will totally do so that she is not only sectioned to playing in the kitchen where the surface is not carpet! lol
I’m glad you liked it! Yes the playdoh surface is such a life savor! My son uses it like everyday. Play doh letters. numbers, planets, food, everything lol.
I absolutely love these ideas! Can’t wait to try out the sticker sorting. My 3 year old loves stickers so hoping it will be a fun way to get her interested in sorting. I also completely agree with you about allowing flexibility, my toddler follows her own rules! I love that your suggestions are so inexpensive to do too. I have a 1 year old too so always trying to find activities both can do together. Any suggestions?
I’m glad you love them! Activities with toddlers and young children are so unpredictable so I think it is completely necessary to save money lol. I tend to do a lot of outside activities when I combine the ages. Usually activities that allow freedom and creativity such as finger painting and chalk play. That way they can learn different things at one time. Also music activities can be pretty universal 🙂
These all sound like wonderful ideas. It is terrible that you are getting so much rain in Georgia- I usually think of it as a sunny and warm state! My favorite dollar store craft idea was the Alphabet States. In my experience, schools tend to skimp on geography, so it is a good idea to get kids started early. It seems like you could do this with countries, continents, capitals, etc. too! I would have loved this as a kid, so I know that your kids are loving it.
I also really like the dollar store puppets- they are too cute! Thanks for all the great, cost-effective ideas!
Wow you are the second person who liked the Alphabet states! Interesting 🙂 I agree, I think it is a little skimped on and you can do it with any map. I’m glad you enjoyed the activities!
Dee M.
Oh my goodness, these are such great ideas! I like how inexpensive all these ideas are and how fun they’d be for little ones. My kids aren’t little anymore, and even still I think my 10 year old might enjoy a couple of those activities!
This is a good guide to keep or send to friends with younger children. Great article!
Thank you! Yes I completely agree. I think older kids would definitely enjoy many these activities! Please share!