Sea Sticker Sorting
Cognitive Learning,  Early Learning,  Toddler Activites

9 Brilliant Sorting Activities For Preschool and Beyond


These Sorting Activities For Preschool and Beyond Will Be The Perfect Learning Activity For Your Child! I love to find creative ways for my kids to both learn and have fun. Kids have such an innocent curiosity to learn anything they possibly can so it really doesn’t take much for us parents, grandparents, and caregivers to be creative with our day to day activities.

And the great thing is that sometimes the simplest things can turn into the absolute best activities! This sticker sorting activity, and each sorting activity shown below, is one of my favorites because not only is it a fun learning activity, but also simple and cost effective.

sorting activities

1. Sticker Sorting Activity via Keep Toddlers Busy


This is probably one of my favorites parts of this activity. I LOVE shopping and I LOVE finding value for cheap prices even more! This sticker sorting activity is what I call a “Dollar Store Find”. Everything you need can be found with one trip to the dollar store and shouldn’t cost any more than 2-3 dollars! Here is a list of the items you will need if you don’t already have them at home.

  1. A page of stickers
  2. A poster board of your choosing. ( I like to use a white background for colorful stickers)
  3. Markers

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Pickย  Your Topic

Preferably, the stickers should be a variety page that you can sort into different sub-categories. For example, a sticker page full of yellow stars will not allow for a sorting toddler activity.

However, if you have a sticker page with stars that are all types of shapes and colors, your child would now be able to sort them into categories such as “green stars” “large stars”, “yellow starts”, etc.

My preference is animals, shapes, planets, and basically any and every category that happens to have numerous sub-categories. In this post, I talk about my sorting activity using sea animals.

Write Out Your Categories

Whatever you are feeling that day, just go with it ๐Ÿ™‚ My only suggestion is to complete this step BEFORE your child gets a hold of the stickers! It may just be my toddler, but waiting on sticker play is an absolute problem lol.

In fact, one of my most important tips for any activity involving kids is to try your best to have things already set up before you present activities to you tots, if possible.



Let the Fun Begin!

Depending on how old your child is, you can simply ask them where the stickers go, or in a case like mine where my son is two years old, you may want to sort a few stickers for them first so they can have time to comprehend how the activity works.

For example, I placed the shark sticker just under the word “shark” and then handed the next sticker to my son. He then decide to put the stickers beside the words instead of under them.

Once you get a few stickers on the poster you can either sit back and watch, or continue to guide your tot and ask them where the sticker should go. I prefer the latter ๐Ÿ˜‰

Matching board

2. Color and Shape Sorting via Keep Toddlers Busy

Shape Activities For Toddlers

3. Apple Tree Sorting Via Preschool Inspirations

3. Pom Pom Color Activity via Laughing Kids Learn

4. House color sorting via Love Your Littles

5. Color Sorting Train via Fun Learning for Kids

6. Rainbow Color Sorting Toy

Get these Supplies Here!

7. Magnatile Sorting Boxes via Happy Toddler Playtime

I hope you enjoyed these fun sorting activities for preschool! Please comment below and let me know some sensory activities that keep your kids entertained! I would love to see some additional ideas!

Also check out my posts on a great sensory activities and popsicle stick crafts for more fun ideas!

Also, remember to sign up for your FREE weekly activities planner on the top or the right side of the page and check out my printables page!



  • Denee

    Awesome idea! My baby is just three months old but I love learning about fun ways that I can let her explore the world, even if it may be a little bit of time away!

  • Francine Brown

    What a cool post! Thank you, I will share this with my brother and sister in law for their kiddos. Better, yet I will do this with them when they are with their Auntie.. Thanks for all of the great information.

  • Dira

    Great idea! It is a great way of keeping toddlers busy and it is so simple to do (and cheap). I usually babysit for my niece and it is amazing how much energy they have when you least expect it. This is a nice way to have them occupied and have them learn something at the same time. The alphabet stickers is also a good idea but that depends on the toddler right? Once they can identify letters and words through the image stickers then we can start with the letters? Or do you do both exercises at the same time?

    • Kayla

      Thank you! Because the activities are pretty flexible, I would do both. The alphabet stickers allows your toddler/niece to pretty much explore. You can help her talk through it and start as early as you like. The images are great for any time as well! They learn so fast!

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